Evony TKO Alliance Page

Welcome to TKO - Templars Knights & Ogres! We hope you will have fun playing with us.
Sister alliance - FAU
Our Rules
Be active and connect daily
Read your messages, respond, and save important ones
Do not attack resource tiles, gem mines, or relics.
Do not attack players of other alliances.
Consequences of Breaking the Rules
You will be allowed 3 warnings.
On the 4th breach, you will be asked to move to our farm alliance, FAU.
If, while in FAU, you do not break the rules for 2 weeks, you will be invited back into TKO.
**Note** Our older farm alliance was TFA and it's now disbanded.
UI, SvS, and Server Time
We use Server Time to identify the beginning of the Undead Invasion AND the beginning of the SVS Purge.
Server Time can be found in your Settings menu at the top of the screen.
Server Time is “military time” and is not affected by time zones, and daylight savings changes.
Please note the date associated with Server Time. Your local time may be ahead of, or behind, the “current Server Time.”
Battlefield Times
We participate in Battlefield on Wednesdays and Saturdays.
Instead of selecting a “time” we select a “Slot.” Slot times are listed in 24-hour format and are automatically adjusted to your time zone.
If you want to play on the battlefield, please verify that you can play at that time AND notify the Battlefield Master of your desire to play on the DAY (Tuesdays and Fridays) BEFORE THE BATTLE.
Alliance Ranking Criteria
R1: inactive, new members, and members who have broken rules.
R2: 0 to 10 million
R3: more than 10 million
R4: Officers managing the alliance
R5: Officer currently in charge (we rotate between R4’s each week on Sunday)
New Members
Please see the new members link for more details. It's mandatory for all new members to review the link and acknowledge the terms and conditions.